Alan Arteaga

Love cats 🐈, ferns 🌿, jazz 🎹 & Computer Science 👨🏻‍💻.

Literally me... (photo taken @ Osorno, Chile)

Mexico City

Hello there and thanks for stopping by mate!

About me

My name is Alan and I'm an Computer Scientist graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

I really like to code and learn about several CS topics, among which my preferred ones are Distributed Computing, Graph Theory, and Theory of Computation.

Feel free to explore this site, in which I'm happy to share with yoiu some posts about coding and other interesting stuff.

Personal life

My personal interests and hobbies are:

  • Languages: I currently speak english and spanish. Besides, I'm currently learning both French and Hebrew.
  • Cats: I really love cats, since they are curious, fluffy and beautiful.
  • Plants: I love gardening and collecting plants (specially ferns).


Apr 1, 2023 Site launched 🎉.